The team left Grays at around 3am to travel to Luton airport.

We caused a bit of a log jam in the checkin queue with 12 people 12 large suitcases and 12 small hand luggage bags to be checked in all at once.

Len’s comment while we are still in the queue “Are we nearly there yet?”

The flight to Tirana took 2 hours and 40 minutes

Faton met us the airport and then we had a 4 hour bus ride to Gjakova.

The scenery through the mountains was stunning. Jan said it reminded her of parts of Israel.

It was great to finally get to Gjakova.

Jon – “It’s great to be home”

We unloaded suitcases of aid waiting to be sorted and distributed to needy families later in the week.

Laptops that donated were passed on one member of the church another will be given to another family later.